
ATCOM HUF-VITAL ® - verschiedene Varianten

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Sale price €56,40
Tax included

Size: 5kg bucket

The high-quality all-round care for the nutritional optimization of hoof growth and hoof horn quality.

Optimal hoof trimming, nutrition and posture are essential prerequisites for good hooves. Many horses today suffer from hoof problems in the broadest sense. The hooves are either brittle, crumbly or too soft, have cracks or gaps, do not grow quickly enough or are too low in the heels. The irons only last a short time. Hollow or loose walls can also occur as a result of poor hoof quality.

The reasons for this usually lie in the nutrient-poor basic food compared to before. Many horses today also suffer from impaired intestinal flora, so that the nutrients supplied - if at all - cannot be optimally utilized by the organism. Increasing the feeding of concentrated feed, especially feed rich in starch, increases this even further. From our point of view, the selection of feed and the addition of special nutrients are of great importance here.

Why does biotin alone often not help?

Many horse owners try to get the problems under control by feeding biotin; but mostly without much success. Adding biotin alone to the basic diet usually shows little or no improvement. Studies have also shown that only a fraction of horses with hoof problems suffer from a biotin deficiency. The majority of horses with hoof problems, however, show no improvement when simply supplemented with biotin. The structure of the hoof horn is generally softened in these horses. Here the organism lacks the nutrients necessary for the formation of an optimal intercellular cement. As we now know, the sulfur-containing amino acids but also zinc and other nutrients are of great importance here.


ATCOM HUF-VITAL® ensures a comprehensive supplement with all vital minerals, vitamins and trace elements (23 vital substances) in daily feeding, including biotin, zinc, diatomaceous earth and lecithin as well as vitamin B12, which is important for liver metabolism. ATCOM HUF-VITAL® also contains value-determining ingredients such as the amino acids methionine and cysteine, which are essential for keratin formation. Specific natural nutrients from herbs, linseed oil (with the important omega-3 fatty acids), alfalfa and seaweed round off the high-quality composition. The individual components also contain other natural ingredients such as inositol and tyrosine.

This means that ATCOM HUF-VITAL® can not only supply the organism with nutrients that are necessary for optimal hoof horn quality, but also provides a holistic supplement with specific nutrients of the highest quality that can have a positive effect on the entire organism.

The yeast contained in ATCOM HUF-VITAL® can also stabilize the intestinal flora,

which ensures optimal utilization of the basic feed. The added herbs and micronutrients can improve the oxygen supply to the cells and create biological reserves. This means that not only hoof horn growth and hoof horn quality can be visibly improved. Certainly reasons why ATCOM HUF-VITAL® has been used as a proven supplementary feed by veterinarians, farriers and horse owners for more than 10 years and why many of our customers have already had very positive experiences with ATCOM HUF-VITAL®.

By feeding ATCOM HUF-VITAL® you can support your horse during coat change, improve tail and mane growth, give the coat a more intense color with a beautiful shine and optimize feed utilization. All of this clearly benefits the overall appearance. You can see clear results within a short period of time, usually 4 to 8 weeks.

European soils are low in selenium!

Since European soils are low in selenium, ATCOM HUF-VITAL® contains the selenium necessary for optimal metabolic function. This element is often demonized, but – in the right quantities – it is an important trace element. It has been proven to have an antioxidant function and can have positive effects on skeletal muscles, liver, reproductive organs, thyroid function and the immune system.

Selenium is considered an essential trace element for humans and animals. The distance to the toxic dose is clearly maintained in ATCOM HUF-VITAL®! Furthermore, the minerals and trace elements contained in ATCOM HUF-VITAL® are mostly contained as organic compounds. Studies indicate that organic compounds are much easier to use.

Please note: Feed that is not produced in Germany often contains too little or no selenium for our German soil conditions. These products require additional selenium administration.

ATCOM HUF-VITAL® does not contain any animal proteins! ATCOM HUF-VITAL® is free of artificial flavors and artificial preservatives . It is done by one

QS and ISO 9001-2015 certified German feed manufacturer produces in accordance with the strict guidelines of German feed law.

These special properties characterize ATCOM HUF-VITAL ® :

  • High-quality supplementary feed in premium quality ensures the basic requirements of all essential minerals, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids in a highly available form and reliably prevents nutritional deficiency symptoms
  • The active ingredients contained create a nutritional optimization of hoof growth and hoof horn quality.
  • with organically bound copper, manganese, zinc and selenium
  • Intestinal-supporting vital substance complex made from special yeasts, B vitamins, antioxidants and herbs
  • The active ingredients it contains can make shedding easier and thus easier
  • Prevent the associated loss of fitness
  • strengthens liver function through micronutrients and lecithin
  • Support of nutrient utilization and intestinal flora through special yeasts, B vitamins and proven herbs
  • for targeted nutritional support of vitality and joy of life
  • with vitamin E, organic magnesium and essential amino acids to support muscle metabolism
  • The high-quality all-round care with special active ingredients can intensify the color and shine of the hair coat and improve tail and mane growth
  • with integrated optimal selenium supply , as Germany is a selenium deficiency area.
  • Used by veterinarians, farriers and horse owners as a proven supplementary feed for more than 10 years

ATCOM HUF-VITAL ® is specially developed for horses that suffer from hoof problems such as:

  • brittle or crumbly hooves
  • hooves too soft
  • Cracks or splits in the hooves
  • slowly growing hooves
  • Propensity for beam or white line problems
  • hollow or loose walls
  • active ingredients contained

ATCOM HUF-VITAL ® is ideal for:

  • for high-quality all-round care, specially tailored to the nutritional optimization of hoof growth and hoof horn quality.

Feeding recommendation:

20 g ATCOM HUF-VITAL ® per 100 kg body weight

During situations of increased need (e.g. coat change) or at the beginning of feeding an ATCOM product (this makes it easier to replenish potentially empty nutrient stores and meet the additional requirement), we recommend a dosage of 30 g ATCOM HUF-VITAL per 100 kg of body weight daily . This amount should be fed for a period of 4-6 weeks. You can then switch to the dosage of 20g/100kg body weight.

ATCOM HUF-VITAL ® is a pelleted supplementary feed. It must be mixed with the main feed in the specified quantities for each feeding.

Do I need to feed additional minerals or similar?

Feeding additional supplementary food can and should be avoided in order to avoid a nutrient imbalance or oversupply.

Note on feeding recommendations

Make sure you provide enough hygienic basic food. We recommend giving at least 1.5 – 2 kg of hay per 100 kg

Alternatively, you can also prevent nutrient deficiency with ATCOM Nutri-Vital. Both products can be fed to your horse safely over the long term.

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